Petition to FDA Concerning the Inappropriately Expanded Approval of the Sleep Drug Tasimelteon Hetlioz HRG Publication 2265 Public Citizen petitions the Food and Drug Administration FDA to reverse its decision to expand the approval of the sleep medication tasimelteon Hetlioz to patients who are not blind, as the relevant clinical trials for the drug were conducted only in totally blind patients with non 24 hour sleep wake disorder cialis for sale 3 Billion of them
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
How do I configure monta so that my car can always pull charge? I can't for example precondition it without having to start a charge on monta and it's very unreliable.
Nu meddeler Go-E at de understøtter OCPP i deres seneste beta der har været tilgængelig siden start Marts. Så er der vel en smal sag at få Go-E med i Monta ?
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
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Petition to FDA Concerning the Inappropriately Expanded Approval of the Sleep Drug Tasimelteon Hetlioz HRG Publication 2265 Public Citizen petitions the Food and Drug Administration FDA to reverse its decision to expand the approval of the sleep medication tasimelteon Hetlioz to patients who are not blind, as the relevant clinical trials for the drug were conducted only in totally blind patients with non 24 hour sleep wake disorder cialis for sale 3 Billion of them
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Har en Go-e lader med API V1 og hardware version V2, men kan ikke lykkedes med integration til Monta.
Har lige købt en V3 go e lader og finder ud af den ikke virker med Monta :(
Brian Estrada
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
Thanks, I managed to get it working by selecting "Go-E" as the model, instead of "Home+" or "HomeFix". Seems to work so far!
How do I configure monta so that my car can always pull charge? I can't for example precondition it without having to start a charge on monta and it's very unreliable.
Casper Rasmussen
Det virker kig nedenfor i brians estrada svar
Casper Rasmussen
It's called autostart, its a setting under charge point.
Set auto start to "instant"
It doesn't seem to work unfortunately. I still have to go to monta app and start a charge manually after plugging the car in. :(
Claus Rasmussen
Nu meddeler Go-E at de understøtter OCPP i deres seneste beta der har været tilgængelig siden start Marts. Så er der vel en smal sag at få Go-E med i Monta ?
Hvor kan man finde denne beta? Er det laderens software eller app'en som understøtter OCPP?
Claus Rasmussen
Mangler også support for go-e API v3 fra firmware 52
Brian Estrada
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
Hej. Hvordan går det med support for Go-e HomeFix V2/V3?
Brian Estrada
Hi, we do currently support both V1 and V2 of the API that are compatible with V1,V2,V3 of the hardware (confusing I know) but when making an integration make sure to chose the "API V2" and you can use the new cloud token with that method
Andreas Poulsen
What syntax is the serial number? Just the six digit number?
Rune Schostag Nielsen
Hi Andreas. It's including GOE, so GOE123456
Casper Rasmussen
Vi har pt kun support for v1
Povl H. Pedersen
Men de kan ikke købes mere. Så i skal nok lave en ny integration. Der skal ikke meget ekstra til.
Casper Rasmussen
Ja vi putter den i roadmappet asap
Rasmus Palm Vestergaard
Jeg har forbindelse til min boks v2. Dog virker forbindelse ustabilt mht. igangsættelse af ladning m.m. Kommer der bedre support til v2-hardware?
Casper Rasmussen
Ja vi er igang med at fixe v2. Går live i feb
Rune Nielsen
Hej Rasmus, vi er i gang med at implementere v2 API og tester det pt. Regner med at have det klart indenfor 1-2 uger.
Povl H. Pedersen
Kan ikke få hul igennem her. I spørger til API token, og det er indtastet. Men jf. dokumentation skal i også bruger serienummer.
Hej. Kan ikke få kontakt til min go-e Home+ Igennem Monta, jeg har forbindelse gennem app. Mvh Michael
Casper Rasmussen
Hej Michael, kan du hive fat i vores support gennem appen eller
Casper Rasmussen
Status changed to: Released
Peter Siegumfeldt
Hvis du har behov for nogen der kan teste må du sige til, jeg har en Go-e charger.
Brian Estrada
Det er klart til at testes 😊
Peter Siegumfeldt
Hmm, jeg kan ikke umiddelbart få den til at forbinde til min boks. Sig til hvis du vil vide mere.
Brian Estrada
Kontant vores support og vi kan tage det derfra 💪
Casper Rasmussen
Status changed to: In progress
Casper Rasmussen
Status changed to: Planned
Casper Rasmussen
Status changed to: In progress
Casper Rasmussen
Status changed to: Planned