In this form, you can request additional features you would like to be part of the Monta Web App.
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Add the feature to manage the notifications via the web app as well as being able to do this on the mobile app
I need this feature to track the usage of each of the cars we have a charging card/chip for.
The ability to give access to all team members for a new EV charger added to Monta, without having to give individual access to...
I would like to enter the cost EUR/kWh in a five decimal place format (e.g. 0,35889 EUR/kWh), when sponsored charginge is used....
Consumed kW are recorded on the day its schedule, not the day the charge session took place. E.g. I schedule the session 31/12...
Utilisation report that shows peak periods of demand over the course of a specific time period
Please can you allow for a report to be run and exported that shows the amount of time the charging units have spent in error...
Why is the export feature limited to three months, please remove this limitation
For example, schedule a specific date in advance like July 31st for the charger to be public from 9am - 5pm, rather than only...
Extension of the export function for charging sessions to include a regularly recurring report that is automatically generated...