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The Monta app is depended on a charger, and the charge plan is also very depended on the charge speed. And you specify in the...
We are updating the way our current auto start feature works. This is the first iteration toward more automated charging. We...
Share your experience with your current integrations (like Saveeye, CT-Clamps, Solar Forecast) or let us know if there’s an...
Fuse protection enables a faster and safer charging experience. When turned on, we balance the current to your charger to...
With the latest update, a function I used has disappeared. When I start a scheduled charge, the time from current time to...
Currently I have my charger set to "auto smartcharge". This works btw. really well. (Set to next day 7:30AM) Unfortunately...
It would be helpfull to be able to see the charging percentage (Car batteri) in the SmartCharge screen. “Ex: Your charging...
Would be great to be able to overwrite car's input power setting for scheduled charges. Problem with Tesla is when different...
It would be nice - and relevant - if the total spot pricing of a given charge was shown in the charging history overview. And...
In Denmark, Tesla has (this far) opened their 4 largest charging stations to "the public". Especially for car owners with...