Allow Smart Charge for Team members on Public charger

Søren Birch

For Team Members groups, Smart Charge should be possible to enable for this group even if the Charger is set to Public.

Right now Smart Charge is only available if a charge point is set to Private.

Our 2 charge points are often available, and we encourage any guest to charger. But to do so, we need to make it Public.
If we make it Public, our Team Members are denied Smart Charge.
This is not optimal.


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Jonas Forsslund

This is a critical feature for us. What is the point of having cheaper charging during night for example, if people cant schedule their charging? Scheduling in car wont work since it aborts after a few minutes.


Jonas Forsslund

We are a public charge operator and we want everyone to be able to schedule charging and in fact we want to encourage people to charge at night.

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Flemming Petersen

Helt ærligt - der er ikke sket noget som helst med dette ønske i 7 måneder!! Det kan da ikke være meningen at alle team medlemmer skal sættes til at være administratorer, for at kunne bruge smart charge "smart", blot fordi ladeboksene er Public.
Come-on med en forklaring på, hvorfor der ikke sker noget


Lars Madsen

We have the same issue on our chargers. They have to be public because our Public Authorities bemand it.
For our team members it will be ideal to be able to make a smart charge. For none team members there should not be this options.

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Marc Halgreen

We have the same issue on our chargers.
Regulatory wise our chargers need to be publicly available (hence: Public), but all members should have access rights to Smart Charging. That is currently only available for admins. Our only short-term fix is to make all members admins - and that's not really an option...

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Morten Mikél McNair

I recently discovered that my members cannot use smartcharge. Your kind support informed that it was due to the fact that I had set the charger as public. I am aware that it might be a rare case that I want it to be public and allow smart charging, but is there anything blocking for adding that option to the public chargers too? It used to be there. Thanks


Tobias S

Merged with: Allow smartcharge for public available chargers too


Tobias S

Status changed to: Under review


Flemming Petersen

Yes, this is needed, especially when having dynamic pricing. Members might like to start charging during night. It should be the team administrator to decide whether this is possible for the team - and not Monta based on wheter the charge point is public or not.

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Daniel Gorodowienko

Currently it's not possible for a team member that is not an administrator to schedule a charge on a charge point that is set to be Public.

Would be expected that a team member is privileged to actually have that option.
Or at least have a setting somewhere in the system to allow team members to schedule charging or not.
It could be on per member level, charger or a team, maybe...


Tobias S

Merged with: Make charge scheduling available to team members