Better representation of actual costs

  • Released

Anders Pedersen

For home-chargers, the insight says 0 DKK, as we are not paying at home. But it is an important metric to have.

Add a way to better reflect your real cost of charging at home.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Anthony Oxford

This should include dual rate EV tariffs


Sune (Monta)

Status changed to: Released


Frederik Szécsi

Hi Sune, How is it going with this one?
It look like some of the parts have been implemented but not everything. I have defined a cost group: Spot price, + DKK 0.42 + 25% (cp-528349) and I can see that in the portal but when charging the insight "samlede omkostninger" does not take this into consideration but only the spot price without VAT. So as an example the insight of my charge today of 78,82 kwh show a cost of 67,74 in insight but it should have been 125,85 when calculating the total cost.


Sune Thomsen

Hi Frederik,

Sounds like a bug in the calculation maybe. Let me get the team to look into it :-)

I'll be back


Frederik Szécsi

Thanks. Let me know if you need further assistance


Niklaes Jacobsen

Hey Frederik!
Could i get you to try another charge again?
It seems like the charge was not added correctly on your previous charge.
Let me know what the results are, and I can take a look.


Frederik Szécsi

Sure. Should I re apply the cost group to my chargers or just try another charge as is?


Niklaes Jacobsen

I should have done that to your Garage charger already, but you can try as well :) And then start a charge.


Frederik Szécsi

Hi Niklaes, I have done several charges over the weekend on both my chargers and it still look like the insight is using the spot price without VAT and not the defined cost group


Niklaes Jacobsen

Hey Frederik!
Thank you for getting back to us!

That is very weird.
I have tried on my own chargepoint at home, so that is why it is a bit of a tricky issue.

Okay, could I get you to try out one last attempt?

I think there might be something wrong with the cost group you have.

Could you try once more?
Start with changing the spot price in the app instead, and then try again with a charge more.
I have a feeling we might have a problem with creating the price group in portal.

// Niklaes


Niklaes Jacobsen

Hey Frederik!
I just send you an email so we can take the communication there instead :)


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Cost review


Please add the ability to see/ filter for total amount of money spend on a day/month/months/year and years basis.

I would like this to be able to review monthly spendings.


Currently the charging cost in charge history only shows [kWh]*[the charge price set in Monta].
As a charge point owner I think many would need to be able to see the actual charge cost - [kWh in actual hour]*[spot price in actual hour] + next hour + next hour etc. etc.
right now you can do this calculation yourself from the bar charts in charge history. Would be nice if Monta does this simple calculation and presents the “total spot price cost”.

(I also need to be able to see this for guests charging at my charge point)


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: ”total spot price cost” in charge history and data export


Sune (Monta)


Good news, this is in development and expected to go live during August. If you would like early access, please sign up for beta-testing in the app :-)


Sune (Monta)

Hi all :)

As part of planning this, we have a few questions we hope you can help us with:

So we all agree it is a great idea to show the actual cost of charging on your charge point, but, we have some unknowns around how much data to include in this.

Let's take this scenario:
1. I got a charge point at home that I'm the Monta Owner of
2. I set the cost to follow spot price + cost of delivery + vat and thus get my hourly cost calculated based on this.
3. During the month both me, my wife and some family members are charging on it + I set it public and some guests charge on it as well.

So the question is:
1. In the home insights for your charge point, would it make sense to see the cost split into

B) My consumption: kWh and Cost -> only the cost for you as a user


B) Total consumption: kWh and Cost -> total cost for all charge sessions on your charge point

Looking forward to your replies


Frederik Szécsi

Hu Sune, i actually have two charging stations at home and I would prefer to get the charging kWh and price per charger and car. I have the cars integrated in the app so would be posiple to separate between the cars and then others . I hope this was what you are looking for.


René Sørensen

Both should be available. But if there can be only one, then option A / my consumption only.


Christian Larsen

Hi Sune

Kudos to your open minded way of thinking, by asking your clients..👍👍

Scenario 1 and 2 as a start would be great to see in the app👍
Further down the road it could be cool to see your consumption / costs per car (if more than one car are added in the app), and costs / income if your charger is set to public.



Sune (Monta)

Hey again :)

thank you for your feedback!

1. We're going to add ability to see and add charging costs to all the charge points you are the owner of
2. We're going to add statistics/insights that's split into "My consumption" and "Total consumption" so you can easily track your own + total if others are charging on your charge point as well
3. We're going to add support for both "Fixed kWh cost" and "Spot price + premiums cost".
4. Cost split into car is also something we're having ideas for, but that will be a version 1.5.

This is our current wireframe of a potential solution. Let me know what you think :-)




René Sørensen

Excellent! Furthermore, if it is possible to extract the amount of km from the car directly, then it would also be cool to see statistics on mileage/ average consumption for given periods.

Looking forward to see the final implementation! 🙂


Sune (Monta)

Yep, already something we're looking into as well :-)

Thanks for input! We expect to implement this during August.


Christian Larsen

Sounds great Sune!

When can we expect it available for beta testing?😊


Sune (Monta)

The goal is to have it ready during August :)


Please add the hourly cost of electricity as an option for us home users. The purpose would be to calculate the total cost of charging at home. Right now the app only records the amount of electricity charged, but at zero cost. You can use www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/Market-data1/Dayahead/Area-Prices/DK/Hourly/?view=table to get the data.


Sune (Monta)


Thank you for your request! This is under development :-)


Sune (Monta)


Thanks, we're actually already working on implementing exactly this :-)

We are going to call it "Charging cost", and it will be a way for you to split your insights into "Roam vs Home".

In home, you will be able to set up a "Charging cost" on your charge point(s) which could e.g. be based on Spot-price or a fixed kWh and apply this cost to your charge point. We will then track your home charge sessions with that cost so you get full insight.



Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Cost of charging for home users


Sune (Monta)

Hi all,

We've started the process of implementing the ability to see actual cost of your charge point at home. We are going to utilise our newest feature (in beta testing) where we use spot-pricing + premium (fixed) + premium (%) to define the charging price.

The way we imagine it will work is
1. The insights tab will be split into "Roam" and "Home"
2. The "Roam" section will show you overview of all charge sessions you've had on public chargers that you don't own yourself
3. The "Home" section will allow you to apply a "Cost group" to the charge points you own, where you can define if the cost is based on a fixed price (e.g. 2,50 DKK/kWh) or spot price + premium (fixed) + premium (%) (e.g. 1,20 DKK/kWh + 1,00 DKK + 10%)
4. If you use spot-price for the Home charge points, we will use the data from Nordpool to track the "cost" of the charge points you own, so you can get a full consumption of your actual cost of charging at home. There will not be initiated any payment (because it is your charge point), but only be tracked a cost.

I hope this lives up to your expectations :-) Feedback is more than welcome!

Enjoy the summer

  • J

Christian Larsen

Super, mange tak, glæder mig til funktionen, vil prøve at slå beta til i mellemtiden..:)


René Sørensen

Super Cool! Tak


Christian Larsen

Would be nice if Monta could calculate the costs of the electricity spend on charging sessions at your home charger, based on the spot price during the sessions.


Sune (Monta)


Claus Kurtzmann

Totally agree, thumbs up, lets get this done, the data is already there.


Sune (Monta)

Status changed to: Planned


Sune (Monta)


We will soon start looking into the insights tab of the app in general, and will take the ability to set your price into consideration. For the ones without a fixed price, we could consider using our Nordpool data for the area as well :-)

Any other suggestions/ideas for the insights tab that would be useful for you?



Frederik Szécsi

My suggestion for it to work in the best way ( Danish user):
Ability to:
1) choose between fixed price or spot following DK1 or DK2 (maybe also with an option to have a markup on the spot price)
2) add the cost of delivery (nettariff) either manually or linking to the different companies Radius, Cerius etc.
3) ability to have different cost of delivery according to time of day and period (summer/vinter etc.)

In this case I as a user will have an insight in my total cost of charging my car. Today it is a black box.

/ Frederik


Sune (Monta)

Great, thanks! I'll forward this to the app team :-)


yes and this could be done based on the 'spot prices' whihc are used for the 'saved' tile. In using the 'spot prices' an Avg./kwh could also be calculated.


Laura Moisset

Merged with: See how much money I have charged for


Heinrich Thomsen

I have a fixed price for electricity so I wish I could put this price into the app and when I have charged, the app will tell me how much money I have charged for.
I get a refund so maybe man could also put it in the app and it then combines it with that you can then see how much money you have saved when it now knows what you give for your power and what you get in reimbursement.
Would also be nice with a tab where you could see how much you have charged per day, week, month and year combined with how much it has cost and how much refund you have received :)


Jan Ekstroem

Same goes for our business solution, we would like to reflect the employee price in the app even though they are not being charged on their Monta account but by salary reduction


Frederik N

It would be really great if the current "Insights" page would show the cost of using your own charger - so when the "cost" is not through Monta but only the raw electricity.

Since Monta knows how much I have charged and what the cost was (if using an electricity provider with spot pricing).

Currently I have no idea how much money I am actually spending charging my car since my "fuel" usage is mixed in with my home electricity usage.


Laura Moisset

Merged with: Expand Insights page to include electricity costs


Heinrich Thomsen

I have a fixed price for electricity so I wish I could put this price into the app and when I have charged, the app will tell me how much money I have charged for.
I get a refund so maybe man could also put it in the app and it then combines it with that you can then see how much money you have saved when it now knows what you give for your power and what you get in reimbursement.
Would also be nice with a tab where you could see how much you have charged per day, week, month and year combined with how much it has cost and how much refund you have received :)


Laura Moisset

Merged with: See how much money you have charged for


Abdullah Gheith

Right now the app shows me that i pay 0 kr/kwh.

Let me input what my fixed price is, so i at least have some idea of what the electricity bill is going to be.


Laura Moisset

Merged with: Manually Input kwh price


It could be awesome if you could e.g. calculate a cost for home charging based on the raw price + the transport fee + VAT.


Tobias S

Hi Frederik. We acknowledge this, and will put it in our roadmap in the beginning og 2022.


Tobias S

Hi Abdullah. It's a great idea and other Monta users have requested this as well. We will definitely include this, but realistically speaking it won't be before 2022. However, we do acknowledge that we are not currently geared towards users with fixed electricity prices - this will change.


Tobias S

Status changed to: Under review