A dark theme is visually more appealing when Dark Mode is enabled system wide. It also causes less eyestrain
05.10.2021 -
Newest / Oldest
Lee Myers (MyeRs)
Why is this taking so long? Such a quick win. Even trying the 'Force Dark Mode' in Android Developer settings does not work. Please add ASAP. Many users check their EV charging at home status during off-peak (darkness) hours and it'd be great not to be blinded every time!
Activity Newest / Oldest
Lee Myers (MyeRs)
Why is this taking so long? Such a quick win. Even trying the 'Force Dark Mode' in Android Developer settings does not work. Please add ASAP. Many users check their EV charging at home status during off-peak (darkness) hours and it'd be great not to be blinded every time!
Any updates on this?
Sune (Monta)
Status changed to: Under review