Edit planned charging

  • Released

Martin Schmidt

If you change your mind regarding your planned charging, there's currently no option to change the timing (start and end time). Curretly you need to abort charging, and start it again with the new times.

I propose the addition of a simple edit feature that allows editing the charging schedule without aborting and restarting.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Tobias S

Status changed to: Released


Jesper Davidsen

Please get rid of the swipe right / info part of the current charging settings....

The app reminds me of a maze game. Too many buttons, pages and options.

I would much prefer to have the current charge info front and center when I open the app.


Tobias S

We agree. We are currently developing a new session screen where the selected settings are more up front and can be edited before the charge starts.
We expect it to be released in january.


Tobias S

Hi Martin.
I know it might not be very clear or intuitive in the interface, but when your charge has started and you see the session screen (dark screen with the car), you can swipe right or click the small "info" icon to switch over to the current charging settings.
Here you can change the time.

We know that this screen needs a massive update to show more relevant data and allow you to easily change settings while charging. We are currently working on this redesign.

Please let me know if you have more feedback for the session screen or if my explanation is not working for you.
