Fluctuating charge price with price of electricity

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Set the charge price of my chargepoint to follow the price of electricity.
So i ex. always earn 1 kr. pr. kwh.


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Sune (Monta)

Hi all

This feature is now ready for beta testing. Please sign up for beta testing or send me your user ID and I'll give you beta access.

You need to enable it from our Web app. You can log in here: app.monta.app/portal with same login method as in the app

1. Select team
2. Select price groups
3. create price group based on Spot
4. Apply it on your charge point

Let me know

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Morten Mikél McNair

Hi sune, great to have that feature in beta! I have activated beta access a while ago; however I cannot choose price group based on spot. Br Morten ID # 463


Sune (Monta)

Hi Morten,

You need to enable it from our Web app. You can log in here: app.monta.app/portal with same login method as in the app

1. Select team
2. Select price groups
3. create price group based on Spot
4. Apply it on your charge point



Morten Mikél McNair

I have changed all prices to spot now. You should have some cases by Monday for sure


Morten Mikél McNair

I have tried it over the weekend. For it seems to work. Let me know if you want more user feedback?


Sune (Monta)

Hi Morten,

Great to hear that it works as expected.

I'm super interested in knowing if you are missing something in the feature? We got a few improvements and more planned already, but more insights from you/users would be great!



Frederik Szécsi

Hi Sune,
I have tried to use the feature yesterday but think it give some strange side effects. I have entered the following member price group:
Spot price, + 0,38 DKK, 0,56 DKK/kWh fallback

I have two Easee chragers and made the following yesterday:
Transaction 2249040
I put the charger in the car 20 Aug 21:54 to smart charge from 10:00 21 Aug. Unplugged cable at 14:13
37,508 kWh. In my wallet it show a deduction of 142,92 DKK and a deduction of 17,86 DKK plus a tax refund.

Transaction 2251853
I put the charger in the car 21 Aug 12:40 to smart charge ending at 16:00 21 Aug. Unplugged cable at 16:10
27,46 kWh. In my wallet it show a deduction of 30,11 DKK and a deduction of 3,76 DKK plus a tax refund.

It look like one of the deducted amounts in Wallet are not actually deducted from the amount but the other is.

So it look a bit strange. I have not looked into the insight section yet.


Morten Mikél McNair

Great, I am not sure how your price is generated. Is it pure nordpool prices it is based on? An improvement could be to add the transportation costs too. They also differ over the day in the winter season (higher from 17-20 from oct to mar). Right now I have set it to plus 0.75 for the price which is well above the transportation cost. The price on the charger is 4.89 kr, but the nordpool price is 5.18 based on what I can see. I can just raise my margin and then it improves but are you sure these calculations are correct? Otherwise a great feature - I believe his becomes the future pricing model for Ev charging👍🏽


Morten Mikél McNair

It seems like you take the spot price ex VAT. To improve the product you should take the price incl VAT and transportation costs. Be aware that transportation cost is elevated from 1/10 to 1/3 during 17-20 on everydays🙂


Sune (Monta)


Thanks for testing it :-)

Question: Are you adding a price to yourself when charging at home?



Sune (Monta)

Hi :-)

Yes, we get the raw spot-price from Nord Pool. We are not able to get the transportation cost for each household, which is why in the price-setup you are able to define premiums.

The Premium fixed (DKK) is thought of as being used for the transportation cost.

The premium percentage (%) is thought of as being used for the VAT.

We are working on an integration to Datahub, which will eventually allow users to login via nem-id to retrieve their actual electricity deal and use the exact prices.

Does it make sense? :-)



Morten Mikél McNair

Makes sense with a global perspective as VATs differ across countries, thanks. I missed the info regarding the percentages when setting it up. I will adjust and enjoy. It really drives the incitement to charge when cheapest.


Morten Mikél McNair

I am administering a cohabitation shared facility. Therefore I have quite frequent activity and a wish to keep a low revenue. For the sake of administration I actually charge myself too.


Rasmus H. Bang

Hi Sune. Tried it for the first time and there was made a payment as well as a deposit to cover the charge.
However, neither of the amounts makes sense to me. The charge price does not correspond to the settings I made for the price group. Let me know how I can share details with you.
BR Rasmus


Rasmus H. Bang

That makes a lot of sense. I tried setting it up exactly as you described. But the charge cost that Monta charges our credit card does not correspond to the spot+premium+25% as I set it.
Let me know how I can share details with you to check what went wrong (?)


Morten Mikél McNair

I think I have discovered a bug. When you set the car for smart charging it seems like the app charges the price at the time you plug the car in and initiate smart charging. Look at transaction 2416178 and 2415083. They are both set the same day to smart charging over night, but the one who plugged the car in at 5pm pays a way higher kWh price than the one who plugged it in at 11 pm. Can you somehow compensate 2415083 for the incorrect overpricing?


Morten Mikél McNair

The same goes for transaction 2440565 and 2449815. The first one pays a higher kWh price but they have charged the same time. They have been plugged at different times.


Morten Mikél McNair

And again for 25055060. I reach out to general support now as I cannot put my customers in the place to pay the wrong prices so they can receive compensation. When can we expect feedback on the beta testing?


Sune Thomsen

Hi both,

Super sorry for the late reply here, completely missed it.

The issues you are experiencing, is that for regular charges or scheduled charges?

Do you mind please reaching out to me on st@monta.com for a faster reply.



Sune (Monta)

Status changed to: Released


Bjarne Olsen

Ser frem til at afprøve funktionen.


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Spot price EV charging


Norpol integration for electricity prices. Charge when cheap!


Christian Ørtoft

Hej igen
Det ville være fedt hvis man kunne lave en lade tarif som automatisk tilpassede sig spot prisen på el inkl. en avance fastsat af ladestander ejeren


Sune (Monta)

Hejsa :)

Det er skam allerede under udvikling og i Internal testing på nuværende tidspunkt :-) Vi forventer at release det i løbet af August :-)



Jan Lund Ottsen

Fedt, noget nyt om dato for release ?


Alexander C

When do you expect this feature to be launched?

Remember to also add for groups…


Sune (Monta)

Hi Alexander,

We start working on it now, and expect it to be launched during June :-)


Alexander C

That’s awesome! Thank you for the quick reply!


Alexander C

Hello! Did you launch yet? :)

And will the feature be added for teams as well?


Sune Thomsen

Hey Alexander,

We are testing it as we speak - we need to be sure that all works and updates as expected, and that it's transparent for the user to understand how the price is build up :)

We are only going to add the ability to set up spot-price price groups from the Portal tho. Have you tried our Portal/Web App?

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Alexander C

I have! :-)

Man it’s exciting.

Btw I love how easy you made it to log in to Monta via apple, Google etc.


Jonas Justesen

When do you except it to be ready? Really looking forward to this, as the price is really going up and down these days. Instead of setting a too high price this feature would solve it


Sune Thomsen


We are having it in Internal testing just now here at our own charge point at the office to make sure we receive the data correctly and update the prices accordingly during the charge session.

So far works like a charm. We're running a few more tests and then we are putting it live for everyone!

Are you signed up as beta testers?



Jonas Justesen

If you mean enabling beta access in app, then yes


Jonas Justesen

Ready for release? Yesterday I had a too low price set, so lost on a charge.


Sune (Monta)

Very close - we're doing some final internal testing. There's quite a few parameters to take into account, but testing looking good so far :-)


Jonas Justesen

Are we closer?


Jonas Justesen

Sune Thomsen what is status? Tommorow price is 8,43 kr, so this feature is highly needed.


Sune Thomsen

Sorry, it's ready for beta testing! Please sign up for beta testing or send me your user ID, and then I'll do it for you.

You need to enable it from our Web app. You can log in here: app.monta.app/portal with same login method as in the app

1. Select team
2. Select price groups
3. create price group based on Spot
4. Apply it on your charge point

Let me know


Jonas Justesen

Cool! Just tried setting it up and here are my comments.

Spot price is without vat, so I need to enter 25% and then also need to enter 1,5 dkk to get the full cost of one kWh.

But I also need to enter the cost to Monta 10%, which now is a bit tricky cause I used both fields?


Sune (Monta)

Launched for beta testing now :)


Sune (Monta)

Hi Jonas,

The idea was that you would in this case just add 35% on top to cover both VAT and the Monta fee :)


Jonas Justesen

Guess 35% is not enough. 100 x 1,35 = 135 kr. 100 x 1,25 x 1,1 = 137,5 kr. So maybe 37,5%. Just a bit difficult for average users to cover the costs.


Sune (Monta)

Hi Jonas,

Ah, yes so it's because you want to include the 10% monta fee into the calculation as, right? I didn't get that from your first message - thought you meant you wanted to earn an additional 10% on top of the VAT


Jonas Justesen

Yes, I want to set the price so I don’t have any costs when other people charges. So price should include vat, Monta fee and electricity fees. With the high prices we have now on electricity, wrong configuration can quickly cost you a lot. So to get break even I guess like this? (Spot x 1,25 + 1,47) x 1,1


Jonas Justesen

Just a small update, since Monta fee is changed from 10% to 12,5%:

So to get break even I guess like this? (Spot x 1,25 + 1,47) x 1,125

@Sune Thomsen does that sound correct?


Sune (Monta)

Yes that sounds correct. I guess some feedback to us here is that it should be made easier to take the Monta fee into account in setting the price as well. :-)


Sune (Monta)

Status changed to: In progress


Sune (Monta)


We are now starting to look into setting price-groups following the spot-prices from Nord Pool data. Our initial idea is to define the spot-price based on the area/location of the charge point.

You will then be able to:

1. Define your master price to be based on Spot-price (instead of kWh or Minutes)
2. Add a fixed addition to the spot-price
3. Add a percentage premium to the spot-price

So: Spotprice + fixed addition + percentage premium = cost of charge



Laura Moisset

Status changed to: Under review


I hope that you will make it possible to create price groups that follow the spot price from Nordpool plus an optional supplement or deduction. I would like to let friends and family use the charging box at cost price (Nordpool + taxes - 1.12 in refund). While strangers can pay the cost price + 2 kroner.


Casper Rasmussen

We are going live with scheduling of prices in few weeks

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Jesper Egholm

Ready to use?


Casper Rasmussen

Sorry, its not live yet I can see.


Casper Rasmussen

Status changed to: In progress


Morten Mikel McNair

Or if complicated to implement, just add 40 cents From 17-20 In the Winther period as radius charges everybody extra at that time.