Get SOC from car automatically for Smart charge

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Many of us like to "set it and forget it" but if you want to use Smart Charge and gain all of its benefits you are required to type in the car's SOC before every charging session which is not ideal - especially not when this data is retrievable.

My request concerns getting the SOC automatically from the car. Either by integrating with e.g. BlueLink (Hyundai) in my case or e.g. making an integration with Tronity who already have integrations in place with many manufacturers. Best case would obviously be to get it via the type 2 cable but if this was possible I would assume that this would be standard on all charging platforms by now...

Getting the SOC automatically means that I would be able to set up departure at e.g. 7am every morning with 80% and then Monta can much better decide when to start charging based on my preferences. And it will know exactly how much time is required to get to 80%.


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Is there any plan to offer an API for power users to push the car's SoC programatically? I ask because in case of Teslas (and probably other cars), giving eNode our Tesla account credentials basically gives them full access to the car (can even locate, unlock, and drive the car), which is a paranoid's worst nightmare 😅


Frederik Szécsi

Hi, I can choose my Ford Mustang Mach-e in the app but not integrade the car. I can see the model is in status beta but can you open up so we can test it. Thanks


Tobias S

Hi Frederik. We will add Beta cars in our next release. It should be out later this week.


Frederik Szécsi

Thanks - looking forward :-)


Frederik Szécsi

Hi Tobias, My app (Android) have just updated to version 2.2.8 Build 1106 but I am still not able to Integade my car. When choosing integration there is no icon for linking Ford at all.


Tobias S

Sorry We had some delays. The app will be sent for review in app stores today. It should be out on Tuesday.


Frederik Szécsi

no problem. Will wait a bit more :-)


Frederik Szécsi

Look like still no support for Ford Mustang Mach-e đŸ˜Ș


Tobias S

Let me check up on that. Are you on v2.2.10 now?


Frederik Szécsi

Yes I am on 2.2.10
Build 1164


Tobias S

We had a missalignment with backend. It should be sorted now. Thanks for pointing it out - let me know how it works out :)


Frederik Szécsi

Thanks. I can now integrate the car but it does not fetch any data like charge level


Frederik Szécsi

I just did a drive and it show SoC now 😁👍


Jan A

I have tried this feature now and the initial part works great. The SoC was fetched correctly from the car at 39% and Monta calculated the amount of kWh to charge to 80%. However, the calculated amount only got me to 78%, when the charge was ended.

It would be a great addition if the SoC could be read during the charge (and adjusted accordingly), so charging only ends when the wanted SoC is reached, and not when the initially calculated kWh has been transfered.


Sune Thomsen

Hey Jan!

Thanks for your feedback! Happy to hear that it works for you! The SoC is actually being read and live-updated during the charge, so let me check what I can do :-)

Can I ask you, what charge point brand you got as well?


Jan A

Hey Sune, thanks for replying.

The charger is an Easee Home and the car is an Audi Q4.


Sune Thomsen

Hi Jan,

Great, thanks for replying! We'll look into using the actual battery-percentage delivered by the car instead of re-calculating based on the kWh. Will keep you updated :-)


Hi Monta, I have activated the feature for one of my cars a Tesla but I have a second car as well (and in fact two chargers). I cant figure out how to link a second car. How to do?


Sune Thomsen


Did you add your second car to Monta?



If you go to the "active integration" screen for the car that is already integrated and seelct "Re-authenticate" in the ... menu in the top you will be able to link another account. This worked for my but my Cars are two different brands, not sure if it will work with two cars og the same brand.


Sune Thomsen

Hi again,

Did you add both cars in Monta and tried to add the integration to each of them individually? Let me know if it is easier to talk a quick call to understand the problem :-)


Hi. Mach-e is missing in the app


Jeppe Merrild Andersen

Any chance it could work with Nissan?


Sune Thomsen

Hey Jeppe! You can see the full list here: airtable.com/shrnDP6o1QYIEaqRX/tblGqmVFiJrNM3uAT/viwHyMOANfzX3tD3H?blocks=hide

I can see they have some in testing and in Beta. We can ask them to open some of them for us, but that of course comes with a risk :) What Nissan model do you have?


Jeppe Merrild Andersen

Nissan Leaf


Sune Thomsen

Cool, I can see that is in state=beta - let me see if we can get access :)

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So no Polestar 2 for now? :(


Sune Thomsen

I can see the Polestar 2 is in "Testing" stage. We're looking into if we can get access to the different cars at earlier stages for you to test them. Will keep you updated :-)



Could you ask for access to opel/Vauxhall Corsa please


Jeppe Merrild Andersen

Any luck getting Leaf access? Guess the answer is no, since it is not in the list in the app. Could you ask for an ETA?


Sune Thomsen

Make sure to enable your account for Beta-testing to get access to the car integration feature

1. Go to ME
2. Go to settings
3. Enable Beta access

Then do
1. Go to ME
2. Select your vehicle or add your vehicle
3. In the bottom of the settings there is a "Car integration" tab
4. Click it, and follow the steps



Sune Thomsen


Per Londin Nielsen

Thanks Sune.
Got it but unfortunately my Polestar is not listed :-(

@Casper Rasmussen is this Monta, Enode or Polestar who needs to do something to get the Polestar 2 to be implemented?


Sune Thomsen

If the car is not listed it is eNode who do not have support for it yet :( We'll keep you updated about any updates they might do


Sune Thomsen

Here an overview of the brands/models currently support by Enode. Polestar 2 is on the list, but seems to be a bit limited



Per Londin Nielsen

Thanks Sune


Per Londin Nielsen

Updated the App today but cant see this option anywhere?
I use 2.1.24 and Beta is active.


Casper Rasmussen

Status changed to: Released


Casper Rasmussen




Updated the APP, how do I access the new feature ?



Updated the app but I don't see how to access this feature.


Sune Thomsen

Can you check again now? You need to make sure you have Beta-access enabled

1. Go to ME
2. Go to settings
3. Enable Beta access

Then do
1. Go to ME
2. Select your vehicle or add your vehicle
3. In the bottom of the settings there is a "Car integration" tab
4. Click it, and follow the steps


Any news on this one?


Casper Rasmussen

In review at app store and google play. Should go live this week

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Will make it possible for Monta to read battery level from the car, so user won't have to manually input the numbers before every charge. Will make smartcharge and especially auto-smartcharge work much better.


Laura Moisset


Michael Terp Rasmussen

I am ready for testđŸ€—


Casper Rasmussen

Hit internal testing now, beta next week

  • J
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Per Londin Nielsen

Sounds good @casper. Is there a way to sign up for BETA?


Casper Rasmussen

Yes inside the profile in the app, you can enable beta features


Casper Rasmussen

We started development of this, beta users can start testing in march

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Wauu really looking forward to this. The API you decided to use will that allow granular control over what permissions to grant Monta ? You sure I will use it if it allows unlocking my car :-)


Casper Rasmussen

Yes exactly, we are spend a lot of time finding the right secure solution, enode.io will be our provider



I'm signed up for beta. Anything I will need to do extra for the SOC to be available for smartchanging? Also, how will I know that SOC is now being used?


Casper Rasmussen

When its ready there will be a new button under your vehicle to connect it. I will make sure we inform beta users with a popup in app and email

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Casper Rasmussen

Status changed to: In progress



Volkswagen WeConnect© API is free and covers all Volkswagen AG EVs including Seat, Skoda, and VW


Why not connect directly to Volkswagen API.
It works and it's free.
This is how TrueEnergy does


Barry has this enabled for Tesla - we need it on monta as well


Tobias S

Hi Rasmus. We are currently looking into this. Previously we made a choice not to do it with the current API integrations that are available, as we felt it didn't live up to the security we want to provide for our users. But it seems we may be able to do it through some new services - we are investigating further!

We would absolutely love to do this feature, and totally agree that it would be the preferrable experience, but never at the cost of security :)



Have you looked at the smartcar.com api ?
Not to give you any ideas, but I would pay a small monthly fee to have this kind of car integration. It would allow you to collect and calculate all sorts of nice statistics if you are able get not only SOC information but also km's driven etc.
P.S. Remeber not everyone has Tesla's :-)


Casper Rasmussen

We are currently testing smartcar.com and enode.io


Casper Rasmussen

Just a side question. These service are charging us 10$ per vehicle per month, is that something you as a user would pay for?



I would pay about DKK 60 a month for premium features, but with two electric cars paying that per car is a little steep.



The price must be compared to the potential savings of using SOC for smartcharging - and I suspect that the savings won't justify a 10$ pricetag for most.
But, at the same time I would think, that you should be able to negotiate a huge discount for yourself as you will be providing a substantial amount og customers!


Tobias S

Status changed to: Under review


Niels Stoffer

Other cars as well, for example BMW