Heat car at specific time

Jakob Paikin

An option to start the heating in the car so that it is heated at a specific time (possibly the same time that charging should be completed). Even better if heating could be dependent on ambient temperature in the car (for example: Only heat to 20 degrees if outside temperature is below 6 degrees or something).


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When integrating Tesla using Enode, the option of preheating cabin and battery for scheduled departure time is not available, even though Enode is given permission to these settings. With the functionality added the whole charging flow could be moved to Monta with no need for e.g. Teslas own app for home charging.


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Preheat cabin and battery for scheduled departure time


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Preheat Car using charger instead of battery


Gert Jensen

Please open up so it is possible to preheat the car using the electricity from charger instead of battery.
This is a must when the charger actually has the function.

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Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Automatic


azin yazdi Mathiesen

Would it be nice to turn the heater of Car on with the app before going outside.


Søren Serritzlew

When using smartcharge the car depletes the battery when preheating and defrosting in the morning because Monta does not allow the car to draw power. Adding a feature for this would be more energy efficient and protect the battery


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Allow for defrosting


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Leave power on after a charge option!


Andreas Scholdan

There is missing option for leaveing power on after a full charge!


Nicklas P

It’s already working if you choose continues charging. Works fine for me at least.


Martin Hans

Yes, I agree with this proposal. This matters because if the charger cuts the power after a completed charge, then the power will be taken from the battery if the car is going to be preheated before departure. If the power is left on then the power can be taken from the charger. This maximizes the range.


Tobias S

Hi all. We've been doing a proof of concept to test how we might make this feature available for you. We know it's highly requested, but currently we have some technical difficulties that are limiting us from making this feature behave as you expect.

We're not done exploring yet but it requires a different setup, that we are looking into.
For now we taking a step back to review our options. Will let you know when we make progress, and can actually give you a realistic eta.


Tobias S

Status changed to: Under review


Anders Johansen

Does not necessarily need to be an App feature as such.
Monta just need to allow the car to pull power from the charger, even if the charge is not started (as you can without Monta integration), I can live without tax refusion for the preheating part just fine.
(Easee box).

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Spot on Anders. The charger should be able to let the car use electricity not only for charging but for preheating as well.


Frank Sørensen

Yes, but a "fix" I use is the following:
Set you battery kw to higher lever and the charge kw to higher than the charger do, and calculate the time to the samme time, that it normaly charge.
Then the charger will stay on and you can use "preheat" if thats what you want.
Remimber to set battery kw enough to the preheat to run


Jørgen Fruensgaard

Status please


Jørgen Fruensgaard

What is the status for this feature?


Jan Červený

Cool feature - there's something similar on the Tesla Model Y, but you can only set schedule for all weekend days or all work days at once. So for example, if you WFH twice a week, it's useless to you.

It would be neat, if you could set the schedule per calendar day in the app, and then facilitate this through the car`s API. I guess this could also work without being plugged in...?


Sune (Monta)

Status changed to: In progress


Jens Pilemand Ottesen

Sune. It should be an Per-Car option. My dumb Zoe will charge when there is power. But by Tesla can decide by itself or be told by Monta when to start/stop.


Jens Pilemand Ottesen

It would also be a great option if the power was on, as soon as you plug in. And SmartCharge told the car to start/stop charging when SmartCharge decides (=cheap power).


Frank Sørensen

Support ask't me to put this in, and I think the request is the same:

Nice you are looking on the prehaet, because when I make the "implant" of my car, it will proberly cut the power when full, and then not let the car preheat. As you says it will with the kWh is reach.
As I says, right now i just fake my car to make the smartcharge calculate the time to charge, right, so its never turn off the power 😀
You might in the app, can set a "option"
"Turn off power when battery full"
"Leave power on, when battery full"
Only problem is then, if a user will only charge to 80% and the car does not support the "maks charge %" in the car.
But it will work for the most I think, and all plygin hybrid, because we all charge 100%, I think


Sune (Monta)

Merged with: Forvarmning af bil


Det kunne være fedt at når man indstiller bilen at lade til 80% med smart charge og den så er færdig i løbet af natten at app kunne give ladebpksen lov til at levere strøm til bilen om morgen når bilens eget forvarmnings program går igang.


Det kunne være fedt hvis funktionen virkede hvergang man satte stikket i bilen og ikke skulle sætte en opladning igang, men at når man trykkede på forvarm knappen så låste man ladeboksen op så den sendte strøm til bilen når den forvarmede og brugte strøm og man fik refusion af den strøm 👍 Mit navn er forresten Michael Sønderskov Petersen men det var simpelthen for bøvlet at logge ind for at lave en request så derfor står den som anonym 🙂


Sune (Monta)

Hej Michael,

Tak for din request! Det er noget vi har haft i kikkerten i noget tid, men som har krævet et større forarbejde for at kunne lade sig gøre igennem OCPP. Vi har udviklet noget vi internt kalder "Native schedule", som giver os mulighed for fx at kunne aktivere forvarmning af bilen ved at fortsætte med at levere strøm til bilen. Vi mangler dog stadigvæk selve funktionen :-)

Hvilken ladestander har du?


Niels K. Eriksen

Undskyld jeg bryder ind, men jeg har faktisk lige “ønsket” mig det samme ifølge aftale med Jeres support. Jeg lader typisk i weekenden når strømmen er billigt. Men nu hvor den kolde tid kommer, vil jeg gerne kunne forklimatisere alle ugens dage. Og jeg kan stille tiden i Mercedes ME appen. Jeg vil så bare gerne have strømmen fra wallbox istedet fra bilens batteri.
Mit setup er en Mercedes EQA og Zapp Go ladeboks.

Noget der undrer mig:
En dag jeg testede på det, kunne jeg se at husets elmåler viste ca 2 kw mere, når jeg slog forklimatisering til på bilen og den faldt ca 2 Kw igen når jeg slog det fra igen. Jeg prøvede flere gange med samme resultat. Og så troede jeg det virkede og jeg var en glad mand. Men det har (desværre) ikke virket siden.
Har I måske haft noget til test den dag ?
Mvh Niels K. Eriksen


Sune (Monta)


Is this in relation to e.g. pre-heating of the car?



I would say it is. It would be great if the car could precondition using the charger without having to manually start a charge everytime.

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Sune (Monta)

Got it - we are on it :-)

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Laura Moisset

Merged with: Power for preheating



It should be possible to allow for your car to always be able to draw power from your chargepoint when it's plugged in, even if a charge has not been started through the Monta app.
This would be very useful for preheating etc.


Laura Moisset

Status changed to: Under review


Tobias S

Status changed to: Planned


Henrik H

Ford has it too via FordPass. There is an API for FordPass so maybe it can be integrated for Ford.
Anyways if it is set up in the car on beforehand (or via car app), then all that is needed is that chargepoint is available in the period between after charging completed and until vehicle is set to be picked up. I am not sure if that is the case today or if charge session is terminated after charge completed.


Casper Rasmussen

This is an interesting idea, which car do you have today? In Teslas they have something like this, where it guesses when you need it. But its not super good


Thomas Lockhart

Status changed to: Under review