Tobias S |
We are updating the way our current auto start feature works.
This is the first iteration toward more automated charging. We will keep improving in this direction.
The changes includes:
1. Create charging rule
You know create a charging rule that Plug-to-start should initiate when the cable is plugged into the charger.
This means that you no longer have to do a SmartCharge manually that the auto start will use.
2. Added Scheduled charge as an option for Plug-to-start.
You will now be able to setup a charging rule for scheduled charge that will activate when the cable is plugged to the charger. E.g. Start: 00.30 -> Stop: 06.00
3. Better navigation
The current auto start settings have been way too hidden and near impossible to find. The new Plug-to-start setting will be available from the charge point settings and show whether it's enabled or not on the charge point.
If a Plug-to-start rule is enabled it will now also show on the charger screen with faster access to edit the settings.
Future improvements
For now the charging rules will be the same for all weekdays. We are working on the option to create more than one rule and choose which rules apply to which weekdays for more customisation. We would love more input regarding this!
Please use this thread for suggestions and input.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Laurentiu COMSA
Hi Tobias,
The only thing missing here is a smart rule to start at a certain time and charge to a certain % defined car.
in the UK we have a cheap tariff overnight, let's say 12-06 am. so I can plug my car in the evening when I get back, then the car starts at 12.00 and stops when it hits 80%. the rules are now in, the car charger will stop at another set time.
if you look above in the pictures, the BMW stops charging at 80%. That is what I need for our Mokka.
thank you very much!
To eliminate the error in car reading value, is simply calculated at the start of the charge or at the plug-in stage. I read below that, a car was charged to 79% not at 80%. The user can do 81% in the setting to achieve 80%. its an approximation of the calculation, when it does the %. or maybe you make the calculation if is 17.1% to round up to 18%. so no more whinges... car battery isnt precise science to get into details about 0.5%.
thanks again!
Michael Knöfler
The rules don’t work. I simply created a basic rule for auto start charging. The rule is not triggered. With or without specific car selection.
Povilas Juzeliūnas
TL;DR: I have stopped using SmartCharge rule, because it stops the charging session prematurely.
I am tired of finding those warning notifications from my car app each time, saying that charging is stopped at 79% (when target is set to 80%). I am also tired of starting manual charging sessions, just to preheat the car in the morning while it is still plugged in (because the SmartCharge rule did stop the session).
The problem is, SmartCharge rule calculates kWh needed at the moment you plug the cable in, and provides no more electricity than that. It forces charging session to stop once the all those previously calculated kWh are delivered. It doesn’t take into account, that car might need slightly more than that, simply because it discharges further AFTER you plug the cable in. For example, the heatpump might be still running after the cable is plugged in.
As I user, I only (!) want SmartCharge rule to schedule the START time of the charging session, based on estimation. I don’t want it to control the number of kilowatt-hours consumed and stop the session prematurely.
Feel free to reach out to me if you want to discuss the details of my problem with SmartCharge rule.
Dan Hough
Can we have different rules for public and private charger status?
Peter Strapp
I would really like to be able to set the target percentage charge. Currently I have to plug in, wait for the SmartCharge rule to create a charging session and then remember to alter the target maximum charge to 80%.
Would love to be able to create several rules. Would be very useful for people with 2 EV’s.
Hi, I have stoped using Auto charge because it did not charge to the right procentege. The problem is that it Can take 4 hours before my SAP box is Reading the procentege from my Car (Ioniq 5) and if the charge starts with the wrong procentege it wil not charge the requested amount. Until You get this fixed, I am using planned charging .
Br Steen
Povilas Juzeliūnas
I have noticed that charging session finishes way before the "be ready at" time setting. I think it does it once the charging target (in my case 80%) is reached. I receive notification saying that charging is complete in the middle of the night. This is problematic, because I also want to use power from the charger to warm my car up in the morning. So, now I need to start a new charging session manually every time, just to keep the charger on. Any ideas how to overcome this? It was working fine with the older auto start (smart charge) feature, which was keeping the charging session on until the desired time to be ready.
Anders Bang Poulsen
I really like the new rule setup but I have one major issue: The car integration for my car does not report the cars set charging limit so all rule based smart charges will aim for a 100% charge. Having the option to set the limit manually would solve this issue.
Kasper Jeppesen
Would it be possible to use mutiple cars with different charging rules on one charger? Currently i cant use the rule feature since we got 2 cars :)
Jesper Taanum-Willumsen
My Auto Smartcharge stopped working a month ago. I got it working again by setting up a charge rule. That is open for everyone who plugs in their car as it was 6 months ago. Any news on how you will fix that?
Bastian B. Eibner
But still no rfid verification for the smart charge? Charger is open to theft if it just starts on plug in.
Tobias S
Hi Bastian
Unfortunately, that's correct for the first version.
However, we are looking into improving this.
One way we are considering to solve it would be to link a charging rule to your rfid. So that when you tap your rfid the rule initiates.
Would this solve your current issues?
Tobias S
Tomasz Czuba
Weekly charging scheme (ongoing week after week until cancelled) that makes the car charge at specific times(if plugged in) without the need to open the app before each charging.
Current scheduled charging solution is quite inconvenient
Tobias S
Hi Thomasz. We've just released the charging rules feature for Beta users. Check it out by following my descriptions below, and let me know if this solves your problem.
Tobias S
Hi all. We've now released the first version of charging rules in Beta.
Make sure you have updated the app to latest version: 2.36.1
Make sure your 'Beta' toggle is on by going into 'Me' -> 'Settings' -> 'Beta access'.
Then access charging rules from the Charge point settings; it's a new menu.
We would love your feedback on this before it set live for all users.
1. If you encounter any bugs
2. If you have questions about functionality
3. How we might improve on it for future version.
Here's a help center article explaining the feature:
Please give us your feedback in this new Upvoty thread
Nicklas P
Nicklas P
It does not work for enterprise customers in the app?
Tobias S
No, for now if the team is enterprise charging rules are disabled. Do you have a private charger as part of an enterprise team or do you consider using this feature as part of an offering on multiple chargers?
Nicklas P
We have a lot of chargers for private households. But they have their own charger and parking spot in the garage.
I only grant access for their personal charger (but no admin access, so that creates another level of issue here)
Tobias S
Status changed to: Released
Lennarth Østergaard
Hi Monta.
I charge every night at the same time, so it would be nice not to have to go in and start scheduled charging every day.
so my wish is auto start on scheduled charging. It should of course also work with sponsored charging.
I know it exists for smart charge, but it doesn't work with sponsored charging as it will always deduct from my personal wallet when I use auto.
Tobias S
Merged with: Auto scheduled charging
Tobias S
Hi Lennart.
We have already built this feature and are currently testing it internally before releasing it for Beta. If no major bugs are found it should be out for you to use during January.
Unfortunately we're still not able to do this for sponsored charges (yet). The reason is that the companies that offer sponsored charging has previously requested that users have to approve the sponsored charging, as we currently cannot identify which is car is being plugged in. We hope to solve this problem in the near future, but there's no easy simple to identify vehicles at this point.
Any update on when it will be available?
Tobias S
We are doing the final internal tests as we speak. Should be live within 2 weeks unless we stumple upon major issues.
Flemming Petersen
Auto Smart Charge er fuldstændig uinteressant for boligforeninger, som har mange biler til opladning - her er det jo vigtigt at den bil som oplader også betaler. Så hvornår gør I noget smart for boligforeninger, så de enkelte brugere her kan oplade smart uden det besværlige brugerinterface, der er i dag, hvor man skal opsætte det hver eneste gang?
Mikkel Kinnerup
Auto start should also be able to validate which car is plugged. Currently it assumes first car on your list. If this has smaller battery than your second car you will never be able to do full charge. Charge percentage should be able to set.
Tobias S
We would love to do this, but technically it's not that easy. There's currently no way to automatically detect a car's ID via communication to the charger. Most AC home chargers are too "dumb".
We might be able to do some workaround to use the car integration to detect if a cable is plugged in the car and then determine which car we believe is connected. But it's most likely pretty error prone and not something we've begun investigating.
We will consider if there's something we can do to accommodate this, once the feature is out of BETA.
We are currently testing the feature, so that it can be released soon.
In the future, with OCPP 2.0+ it should be possible for new charger models to communicate directly with car and read their MAC address, which will make everything a lot smoother for EV owners.
Mikkel Kinnerup
When I plug in my car today and open the Monta app, you are able to read the battery level on the car. Is that because I have chosen the correct car? If so, then just allow me to change the car after auto start has been triggered.
Tobias S
Good point Mikkel, thanks!
We've begun investigating what this takes and have a few ideas how to solve it technically. However, it won't be included in the first Beta version, but we'll try to make a solution for this asap.
Tobias S
I know it's been some time since the last update. We are now in development with this feature, so it will be ready soon.
Initially we will be testing it with Beta users. You can enable that in your Settings in the app.
I will update here once it's live.
Chris Bastrup
Det kunne være fint hvis man kunne sætte regler op for smart charge som fx find altid de(n) billigste time(r) og lad i den eller de billigeste time(r). Eller mindste forurenede timer.
Nicklas P
A very welcomed function for our neighbours! Hopefully it’s implemented soon, and the payment is withdrawn from the Wallet that set-up auto start, and not from the Team wallet the chargers belongs to.
Thomas Stisen
I have an idea to (in my mind) improve your app.
A possibility to create an shortcut with charging settings so it is really quick to start/set charging.
When the shortcut is created, one just needs to tap it to set the charging with the settings in the shortcut.
Through the app you need several presses of buttons and a swipe, why, it should be possible by a shortcut. (quick and easy)
Sune (Monta)
Merged with: Shortcut
Sune (Monta)
Merged with: Rfid authentication with smart charge.
Bastian B. Eibner
I love the concept of smart charge but currently when you enable auto smart charge you also remove rfid authentication so all can connect and charge which exposes your charger to theft. Always having to start smart charge through the app is very inconvenient.
Would love to be able to start a smart charge with my rfid tag.
Lars Hassing
I will normally use AutoStart, so that the car charges up to its maximum when I plug in the cable.
However, sometimes I would like to use SmartCharge. I would FIRST use the app to prepare it, and THEN plug in the cable.
Simple! Right ?
Sune (Monta)
Merged with: Simple living
Jeppe Kjær
Thee months ago you said it would be released in three weeks. What is the status?
Jeppe Kjær
When is this rolled out? I really this feature?
Tobias S
We're currently looking for people that will help us test the prototype for this feature before putting it in development.
The test is a 30 min online conversation where you go through the prototype and give your feedback. The purpose is to validate if the UI performs as intended. The test can be done in either English or Danish.
Attendees will receive 200dkk in credits in your Monta wallet that can be used for public charging.
If you are interested in giving your feedback and help to improve this feature, you can book a time slot for the test here:
If none of these time slots work out for you, but you would like to attend, let me know and i we can find another time.
Lars Hassing
When the SmartCharge is complete, the default should again be AutoStart.
Tobias S
Hi Lars
We are currently testing a design that i believe will solve your problem.
If you are up for it, I'd like to include you in the test one of these days.
It's a 30min. online call where you go through the prototype and voice your opinion. We will give you 200kr credit in your Monta wallet after the interview that you can use for public charging.
If you are interested, you can book a time slot here:
If you want to participate but none of these times fit your schedule, let me know. We can set something up next week as well :)
Tobias S
Hi Thomas.
Thanks for your input, it's a great one and luckily one that we are currently working on.
The first iteration of this is the ability to create charging rules (shortcut). We've begun development on this.
For now they will primarily be used to initiate the PlugToStart feature: Launch a rule when the cable is plugged to the charger.
Read more about it here:
However, we're planning on using these charging rules for manual starts as well, so you can launch your preferred setting with 1 click after opening the app. This is still being designed.
Ulrik T
I would love this feature if you were able to identify that it was indeed my car that is plugged in.
Tobias S
Yes, we're definitely headed in that direction but there's no quick fix for how to do this.
We are exploring different options for how we can identify cars, but we're currently not in a state where i dare put an estimate on when it might be ready.
Tobias S
Status changed to: In progress